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Mike O’Hagan Sharing the Secrets of Offshoring

 Last March 12, 2015, Mike O’Hagan held his very first webinar. Where he discussed the ways businesses can engage people or services offshore. Included in the webinar are case studies of some businesses that have succeeded. By offshoring some of the tasks or a part of their business operations to lower cost countries such as Hong Kong and the Philippines.
As the webinar also focused on offshoring to the Philippines. Mike shared some basic but not common knowledge about the Filipino workforce. The average cost of wages depending on career positions. And some key government agencies that business owners must know about once they have decided to give offshoring a try.
Unlike other information sources about offshoring. Mikes webinar content was not composed of theories and vague business intelligence tips.
What he shared are valuable information about his offshoring experience. When he tried to engage the services of Filipino workers through offshoring companies. And specialised service providers to improve the financial situation of his business, MiniMovers.
He learned it the hard way. He made some mistakes and tried many things at once. To determine which business solution would work for his company. While his courage to take risks during a dire business situation is something to be admired. Business owners do not have to go through the same experience Mike did. Through his business speaking engagements, business learning tours, articles, ebooks and now with his business learning webinars. Mike O’Hagan aims to create and empower more entrepreneurs.
Mike’s business learning webinars are held every month. Follow the discussion in Twitter using the hashtag #AskMikeO.