Tag: freelancers

Trend away from Outsourcing Services but Still Using $100-a-Week Workers

ODesk.com provides a platform for engaging virtual workers. They have 9.3 million workers for 3.6M businesses. Do I need to say that slowly 9.3M for 3.6M – this is a serious TREND?  The USA is the largest user of oDesk – AUSTRALIA is the second largest user.  Interesting.   Freelancer.com, an Australian owned company, is […]

From BPO Business Process Outsourcing to Specialised Services

To appreciate this discussion, you need to understand that in the Philippines, larger corporate or BPO Business Process Outsourcing employers typically pay their administration workers with a university degree $45AUD a week. That’s $1.13AUD an hour. Away from these larger employers, wages are even lower. The scary part is that they are often better educated than […]