Necessity is the mother of invention, but the birth of an entrepreneur requires more than necessity. It requires a great dream, unwavering determination to survive, and an unquenchable thirst for improvement. From an almost empty pocket and a dream of being my own boss, I have managed to learn a lot of things about entrepreneurship […]
Tag: employment strategy
The trend away from outsourced but still using $100 a week workers ………… provides a platform for engaging Virtual workers – they have 9.3 million workers for 3.6M businesses. Do I need to say that slowly? 9.3M for 3.6M – this is a serious TREND. The USA is the largest user of oDesk – AUSTRALIA is the second largest user. Interesting. an Australia owned company […]
Hire Quickly, Move On Quickly: How to Get the Best from Employees
In the Hire Quickly, Move On Quickly webinar last April 9. Mike O’Hagan shares his practical strategies. Strategies include the how to in hiring, training, managing and rewarding his employees. From posting a job ad online up to sealing a contract with the best candidate for the job. Mike shares his fast, easy and very […]