Never before seen a 3 part video workshop series
Ideal guide for many businesses. Whether small, large and start-ups looking to gain some insights on Offshoring.
Mike showcased real offshoring case studies of successful businesses that have made offshoring part of their strategy. This is Part 1 of the video workshop series,
These are only some of the many case studies and many other things you will learn on this webinar. To watch the video, click here -> Offshoring Case Studies and Offshoring Business Trends.
Hi there! Welcome to Offshoring trends – with case studies.
This is the first webinar of a three webinar series.
My name is Mike O’Hagan.
I’m the founder of MiniMovers in Australia – business I still own today which services short distance furniture moving across Australia. I’m also semi-retired today living in Manila, Philippines where I teach Australian businesses or western business owners how to offshore and also have a good look at your business models and help you grow your business.
I’m a serial entrepreneur. I currently own 6 businesses in 4 different countries.
To really get an idea of offshoring and where it’s going , first of all , let’s talk a little bit about the Philippines and why so many people today are using the Philippines.
- Same time as Western Australia
- Population of a 100 million people
- A median age of 23.3 years and falling – that means they breed faster and faster – 2/3 of the 100 million people are listen, 15 years of age
- 90% Christian – many of them very devout Christian so it is a very unusual country in Asia – it is a fully Christian country that means it has the same core values us
- Has a 97.5% literacy rate – due to the fact there was an American colony for nearly 80 years and the Americans put their education system in here – they made it compulsory – they made it compulsory in English
- That makes it the third largest English speaking country in the world
- It has half a million – 500,000 college graduates a year
- And currently the offshoring industry which is absolutely exploding here, currently employs – in the Philippines – 1.2 million people – Filipinos working for western businesses of which 75% work for the USA which means 75% of them started 10 o’clock at night and then finish at 5 o’clock in the morning – and of course, when Australians come along we want them to start at 6 o’clock in the morning (8 o’clock Eastern Time) finish it 3 o’clock in the afternoon (5 o’clock Western Time)
And now depending on all this is a Capital City gross wage for university degree qualified worker – doing an ordinary administration type role – is a run about $100 AUD per week
In fact, as you go up the skill level into a lot of the different skills the wages don’t raise very much at all. In Manila, you’ll find them peaking at probably, a roundabout of $140 a week. This of course means that there is a massive opportunity here with the wage differences.
And when you connect those wage differences in the internet and then you add to it in recent years’ cloud based solutions – the foundations are in place for a MASSIVE BOOM in business offshoring services and people. In other words, building teams into the Philippines.
And we’re seeing the real results today and the individual workers and the virtual-based solutions, home-based solutions – it’s when you can get your own team, your own space, and develop your own people. And that’s what we’ll talk about with quite a few cases we’ll follow with through today.
Offshoring of course is changing rapidly. And has started 25 years ago with large corporate businesses because of the clear based solutions and connectivity in it and now small micro businesses can also use it. And this is equalizing small micro businesses with large corporates. This is changing the business world dramatically.
It also gives Australian businesses a footing on the world business stage – and creating a “New Export” income feeding lifestyles of every Australian. You know, most businesses in Australia have the opportunity to be able to source either product or sell product and/or do both. And also control it all with administration styles in all third world countries. If you get into that mantra and your developing at world’s best value, then you’re creating a lot of export dollars coming in to Australia which ultimately feeds our lifestyles.
So, let’s get into it. Let’s start talking about actual case studies in about what I’m seeing and what I’m involved in here – in the Philippines, in offshoring.
The first one of course is a very low hanging fruit but it’s something dear to my heart. I’ve been in business for nearly 40 years now. And probably for the last 30 years, I’ve had a PA (personal assistant) attached directly to me – handling all of my personal and direct easy to do tasks. For the last 14 or 15 years, that PA has been a Filipino and indeed during that time I have gone through 3 different Filipinos in that role. They’ve stayed with me, they’re stable, and they’re great to work with. Sort of things they typically do for me, I do have them at UpWork – the last 14 years, I have a full time designated PA working for me on Odesk and later on became UpWork. I like to do that because I like to keep them away from politics of the very businesses. I have to keep them away there. They are personal assistants; they are not a virtual assistant. And they are always doing research for me – I’m always needing to find out things. I’m always giving them tasks to go off and go on find about this, go and research this, go and find that for me, and there is a lot of that going on.
They organize appointments and it’s a little bit like herding the cat sometimes but they organize all my appointments and set my times for me. They run a lot of small set processes for me, particularly as growing small new businesses – Mike’s Manila Tours is run by my current PA, Emma. She does everything. I just turn up and run the tour. She does the booking, organize the dates, organize the hotels, and that’s all done with the little small processes sets we’ve developed in that particular business. They control my contacts, they keep them clean, they keep them all sorted out, they clean them tidy, they learn who is who, they detect new ones when they come in, they update them and everything else.
And always looking at my LinkedIn, control and sorting that out mixing those with my contacts, make sure I’m always up to date with who is who, and what is going on. They very much quickly learn who is who and who is urgent to me and who is not urgent to me, and the different priors the people are coming at me. And learn to handle that quite seamlessly.
They read all my emails, they’ve always done that. We use Microsoft Exchange and Outlook. we can see emails and we can see the folders, and everything else. And my Pas always read my sent emails, and that’s the way they keep on top of what’s going on. Saves us a lot of time instead of telling them what I’m up to. They can see what’s happening in my sent emails. They clear my inbox, they take care of the simple stuff for when somebody asks for a simple appointment with me, I’ll just jump in and announce themselves. They don’t act as me, they always say who they are on my behalf and they sort anything out and take care of it. So my email, the actual emails I see each day is dramatically reduced down to all those that I need to see.
They use my credit cards, they use PayPal, they book things, flights, and hotels, and buy anything we need. That’s all normal stuff. I get a lot of people asking me about them. I got to tell you it’s all very trackable, it’s a very trust arrangement, as it is with most employees. And I’ve never ever had vaguely resembles a trouble – any trouble with that. They do need to use your card very clever though – because a lot of online stuffs are need to be able to answer the questions or otherwise we are locked out. We discovered that a few times but we got pretty good at that. They set up and run my blogs and webinars. In fact, my webinars are completely set up by Emma (my PA). I’ve done the slides, she’s given them an overview and check them a little bit. All I’m doing is turning up here running the webinar, she’s click record, she’ll click finish at the end and send it off and get it all set-up and put down and upload it so you guys listen to it and invite everybody to listen to it as well. At the end of the day, an assistant saves me an awful lot of time. And it’s very cost-effective for me. It makes my life easier. It also means I’m more productive as well. So I suggest that as soon as you get going on your business, you get somebody beside you as a PA to take care of all the stuff better off at it is. It’s not a menial task, they have almost the same status in my business as Senior Manager. They are making decisions and quite large decisions. I do develop trust with them. They do get to do things without any supervision. That’s all part of what you need to have a good PA working for you. So that’s how I use PA and I’m using UpWork to source my PA and also employ my PA to make things all simple for myself.
The next story is a story that started just after I got serious out here. I got very serious using Philippines 6 or 7 years ago. And right about just after I started here, one of the largest carpet cleaning industries in Australia decided to move the majority of its operation up here. And I’m pretty sure that they move everything up here except franchising. So all I have in Australia is pretty much franchisees cleaning carpets and they are most across country towns as well as every city in Australia. There are very large corporations that trained the Filipino team and it’s all in one office – there are call centers there, sales sections, there are marketing, there are back office administrations, lead generation, bookkeeping wages, and all the complaints there do in there.
From finding an engaging franchisee to finding and booking clients, all administration tasks are all done in the Philippines. I understand that operations put a good $2-$3 million in the bottom line, it also means they can do a lot for their clients and a lot more than their competitors can do. It gives them a distinct advantage in the market so they’ve got the advantage of good profit. I think it’s a general trend that you got to see in the service sector everywhere – this top of operation growing and exploding across Australia.
very interesting like a lot of operations, not all the jobs in there are from Australia – far from it. After they got off here and discover how low wages work and how clever the Filipinos can be. They quickly decided they can invent new things particularly often in marketing, lead generation, and those areas, and doing more things for their customers. We’ve got an outbound section that does outbound phone calls which we never dreamed of doing in Australia. We could never afford to do it but up here, you could afford to do those things easily. So very quickly, you could do those jobs that add more value to your clients and more value to your businesses as well. That’s quite a common thing to see here in the lot of businesses I see.
The next one is an example of what we call a fourth wave which is the second wave is manufacturing leaving Australia, the third wave is employment effectively moving across, and the fourth wave – we believe – is going to be the professional services or a lot of services setting up the full structures in these third world countries and then selling retailing operations back into the western world.
This particular one is an accountancy firm. When we visited on tour, they’ve got a very large room full of Australianised accountants, a room with USA accountants, and they have another room with UK accountants. I’ve watched this company grow from 5 accountants to 130 accountants in just under 3 years. It’s been a spectacular success. They retail accountancy services to businesses – small, medium, and also large businesses – in each of these countries. In the same way that an ordinary, standard accountancy business in Australia retails directly to you. Except where, Australia accountancy firms base its charges on about $300 an hour, this company is basing its charges on $20 an hour. They are very good at what they do, they are learning rapidly and they are certainly doing an accountancy firm can do, except for Tax Advice.
What I commonly see happen is Australian businesses come up here, they start using these type of services, they still keep their existing accountant in Australia but they didn’t drink all the work. The best goes out to the standard PNLs and complaint statements come out and all go to the Philippines. And the only thing that’s left for the Australian accountants are tax advice at the end of the year. One or two meeting a year every time they restructure something. That’s it. The rest of all the outer leg stuff is all done by these accountancy firms up here. Still keep your strong accountant but just use them for pure taxing advices only and some other advices, if you needed.
All leg and stuff are down here and this accountancy is beyond bookkeeping as well.
This next business is a rent roll business; it operates one of the largest rent-rolls in Australia. If you lease properties, houses, and those sort of things – these guys run all those processes for you. As you can see, the first lady on the slide – she does the rent arrears chasing, lease renewal processing and chasing, sending signed lease to owner and tenants, smoke alarms processing, issuing notice to leave, vacation backs posting, and break lease processing. The middle one is of course doing the QA and health check, bond payment checking, some data minding or data trawling research that they need for their businesses using up a data. The last person there is booking the inspections, putting up and removing the signs, doing entry notes for leasing inspections, routine inspections. They all have different roles and running different processes.
All the processes, with technology, are easy to move to places like the Philippines. You come up here, train them to do it your way. The fact that they have the desire to do the job and with their wages talked about earlier, you can develop massively effective team to do these things.
This business is rather interesting. It has been here for quite a while – about 5 years (that I am aware of). It’s an American business. I’ve used google maps to do the shot but they do use higher resolution good perhaps. In Australia, we have a thing called NEAR MAPPS that take a lot of high resolution photos and the US has a similar thing as well.
What they are doing is working every street up in the USA and measuring every route, putting little red dots (like laser points) on the computer or the points on the roof. That does the automatic measurement of the roof, they record the address, record the size of the roof, record the type of roof, and the condition of the roof. They then move on to the next one and do that, and repeat the same thing.
They have 900 Filipinos sitting in an office space and that’s all they do all day, every day, five days a week – measuring roofs.
This is really about leadgen and data collection and data mining. When you hear people talk about data mining, you think they are in websites trying to get email addresses but those days are far gone. Now, we are using a lot of different ways we can mine data and certainly mining data in aerial shots is the game. This company is a gander at it. They sell data, they sell to insurance companies, sell it to all sorts of different people, and I don’t doubt that the roofing industry will also be paying for that data as well. That’s all they do, all day every day collecting data like that. They couldn’t do it anywhere and also impossible to do anywhere else, and then select all those that needed.
This one is interesting, it’s a friend of mine. I’ve actually changed the product by his request but he has a very similar product with the one I presented here. But can you imagine if you were selling swimming pools, well your target has to be someone who has no swimming pool. If you take a look at the aerial shot here – it’s actually an aerial shot in the gold coast in Brisbane, Australia and a gold coast in Queensland – and as you can see, no. 11 has a swimming pool, no. 8 has a swimming pool, no.10 has a swimming pool, no. 12 has a swimming pool, and no. 15 as well. But no. 13 has a lovely big backyard with no swimming pool. What they do is click print screen to take a snapshot of it then drop that photo in a flyer situation and draw a circle around no. 13 pun on an issue in this house – who about a pool or spa in your backyard? Go online to these web address of phone us at this number and let us explain how easy it is to install a pool or spa. They then click print and prints it on like a card, with the address on one side, and the image on the back of it. Then on a gulf coast is a guy in there with a printer on his office and then prints every few minutes when one of these things drops out. In the Philippines, they have 2 guys – two Filipinos – all they are doing all day every day is working their way down the streets finding potential places that they could sell swimming pools to. Putting a circle on a flyer (if that’s what you want to call it) and putting it on a post card which then comes out on the printer of the guy in the gust coast. Every day, they collect them all to bring them to Australia by dropping them on the postal service to arrive in your mail.
The secret to is it if you get something in your mail that has a picture of your house onto it, you’re going to stop and look at it. You’re probably going to show it to your partner and say, “look what came in the mail.” They indeed hit some major home run with this. in the industry they’re in which is similar to swimming pools, they are very major player and their competitors all know about them but they have no idea what they are doing because they don’t actually have public advertisings and you don’t see them at all. They don’t push their name out there because they don’t need to. Their marketing is very neat, very direct, to the target and if you have a large backyard in your city, you’ll surely get something from them with a suggestion that you avail their product.
A very clever way to do marketing, once again something you couldn’t dream of doing in the western world with the cost that we’ve got there at the moment, is a BPO.
This one, up until a few weeks ago, is owned by the New Zealand Post, they still use the services in it but is now owned by another operator. New Zealand Post owned it for a number of years doing a lot of work. They are also doing work for NZ postal workers as well. In Auckland, New Zealand they put in a mail service. In that mail service, the parcels all arrive in big automated mail service with conveyer belts. All the parcels roll in and the conveyer belt fix them up. As they roll along the conveyer belts, they go through a scanner of cameras and back out on the parcel. The camera (software installed in it) detects the address label and reads the address and tells the computer that the bar code equals a label from now on. So when it gets down, it gets to land to an address – either north or south – depending on which way it needs to swing to deliver it.
On about 30% of it, for various reasons, are not able to read it properly. This is how clever it is, there’s not many numbers in the street or the streets are misspelt to the suburbs, or suburbs misspelt to the street, or something similar. It can be ripped or screwed up, or in some way, it just cannot be read. An image on that instantly appears on the screen in the Philippines, and the Filipino who knows pretty well the all the spelling in New Zealand fixes the problem. It comes up on his screen, click it, and it’s gone. He has 4 seconds to fix it because those 4 seconds will be the pass to get to the first barcode. If it’s not sorted, it’s going right around the whole look before doing it all again. So they do it in 4 seconds and it’s an amazing thing to go and sit down and watch the small team of Filipinos glued to the screen, the address comes up and they go BANG and they change it and it goes back to Australia in a nanosecond, corrects it and passes on the way. A very clever use of video footage and video transfer and a very good example of how good the internet is here (Philippines) and how you can do great stuff because of what we have here.
The next one is an American friend of mine, he’s a radiologist. In the west term, a radiologist costs about $120 000 a year. There’s one of them reading an x-ray. Because you have one human doing one thing, you’ll always have a mistake margin and they do have a mistake margin doing x-rays. In the Philippines, a radiologist is about $12 000 a year so this guy could afford about 3 radiologists to read 1 x-ray. He has the 3 of them read the x-ray then taken in the stakes and has an image of it dropping down on a mess of correcting screens that he has in a dark room full of radiologists in the Philippines. Three of them read the same x-ray in different parts of the building, all type the report into their computers, the computer then compares the three reports. If there are discrepancies, it goes to the supervisor to be sorted out, if none, it flips straight back in the USA. Almost faster than somebody in the states who could’ve read it anyway, but of course with no mistakes – absolute zero mistakes.
If you have three people reading the same thing, the potential for mistake is extremely minor. They’re reading it for a third of the cost, reading them with zero mistakes, and reading them faster. It’s absolutely no brainer. As an entrepreneur, I think that we look at these type of things where we can see so many ways where we can see faster results and get cheaper prices – using this type of thinking in your business.
This B2B marketing process, I’m seeing a lot more now. I can tell you that my MiniMovers has a massive team in the Philippines that are detecting potential clients, doing a lot of research, marrying up using a lot of database to find more about the potential clients, making a decision when they think they’re going to move. Even when rentals are going to move in the next few days, we can still react very quickly to that or in a few months’ time when the house is being sold. We are profiling that and contacting them in a warm lead and also closing the sales from here. We are doing that in a big way.
I’m saying it over and over again on so many different industries, you can have an absolute target market and a B2B business arrangement, who it is, know what business it is. It’s not hard to go to that industry and find out who the owner is or the decision makers are. Also It is not hard for you to manually screw them down and find out a lot more about them and find out their contact details. It’s not difficult. You can have somebody here contact them – either by phone, email, messenger, LinkedIn, or any number of different ways. After doing so, they expect some sort of reaction that turns it into warm quarry then flips it over to the sales person to close the sale.
We’re seeing it in all the service businesses, we’re seeing it on hospitals that sells medical equipment selling it to the USA doing exactly this. I’ve got a couple of Filipino working at night, ringing American hospitals, talking to the person in the particular section they need to talk to and sending them information online. Then following them up in a trial arrangement when they send the actual equipment for them to try then closing it into a sale. And that Australian business is selling their product without anything in the USA at all. It’s just doing it clean with most of its team in the Philippines making them worthwhile.
Same as software, I’m seeing people selling software in specific businesses, same deal, zero on the business, doing the research, make sure the business is right, find out the decision makers, and do that. You can afford to do that here. You can afford to do those things, some of the number of these things are huge.
This is a business that does work in the building industry. They do insurance repair work, specifically when there has been a major disaster, they have a massive problem getting assessors, trying to get assessors into the sites, and trying to skip the assistance to be efficient. Obviously, an assessor goes out to do the assessment for insurance purposes. It’s going to measure everything copies and go do a big list going to work it all out – calculating and typing it into a big report then send it in or submit it. There’s a lot of work in that – spending a little time on site and an awful lot of it doing paperwork. But we’ve managed to eliminate that. We’ve also managed to eliminate the need to so called “qualified assessors”, we just got people with common sense who could do it. I’m a silver MA electrician, I did my traders in their position when I was young. I don’t practice having breakfast for years but that’s given me common sense on how building stuff works and I understand all that stuff easily.
Imagine if I walk into a building with 3ft of water through it, I’d be able to switch my iPad on, I’d be able to talk to the iPad and point of the damage. So I radio “this is the claim for Mr. Smith, and so and so straight plane number such and such xyz insurance. As you can see there is 900mm of floodwater in here. This is the rumpus room on the front and this power point here and something in here that needs to be replaced.” I just move the iPad around the room talking to it, describing what I need to see. When I’m finished, they walk outside. I can then click send and the video footage will be sent and will arrive in the Philippines. It can either be in some sort of third party drop box or whatever that handle that process. In the Philippines, when an engineer can get a hold of it and go through the footage and off the video they can do the fundamental measuring – do measurements, work out all the things that needs to be done, and list down a big list of infantry of everything that got to be done. Then after, send them back as an insurance claim and they can turn that round faster and of course the on-site insurance assistant that send the video that has finished it can move to the next one. He’s not sitting on the office processing them all because it’s all been done in the Philippines.
They are playing and doing it intended for accuracy, much as same as the x-ray guy. They are also playing it with the actual Filipino doing the actual job when they do get the job. Because in that video, they can all see what need to be ordered and what needs to be back on the frame, get an electrician to do the pre-wire, get the jab-rocking do the jab-rocking, right through the painting and do the carpet down. That can all be controlled in the right order – believe it or not – from the Philippines. It has already been done by this company as we speak. It’s highly successful for them, something that we started doing about three years ago I’m ramping it up and having a lot of fun doing it now.
Quite often with the people coming in, we have a learning tool which I’m going to talk about shortly. And I get a lot of people coming up that are experts in their industry – like an accounting or an ITO that is an expert in training and all sorts of thing.
What I tell them is quite simple. What’s missing in the Philippines is an expertise on these particular things. There’s a lot of accountants here – a massive supply of over-qualified accountants here – but do not know full Australian accounting. They have been thought theoretical accounting in universities. They don’t know interests in AU accounting. An accountant came up to me and ask, “where’s the gap in the market?” it’s quite simple, there’s a massive shortage of Australianised accountants. This is an American education system and they have to do the practice to get their degrees. Accountants here have to do 6 months training (OJT – on-job training) to get their degrees. You can actually have them working as long as they’re training for 6 months for nothing. And I say, go and find somebody going to break say 20 computers, grab 20 ojts from universities, sit them down and Autralianise them. Train them best forwards backwards upside-down still superannuation forwards backwards upside-down. Obviously being Americanized, they understand what one is but have no idea what superannuation is. He did that and have them payed (after training) $84 a week. Say, he hired 25, focused on Australianising them, in 10 weeks, he trained them up to be incredible at what they do. He kept the best for his own business and sold the rest to his industry. And this guy has now taken off. He now has 300 accountants working for him in 3 years. And the growth is not going to slow down, he’s going to go to thousands. Nothing’s going to stop him because he’s feeding a demand with a product that’s really good and there’s a lot of demand coming up here and can’t get that last level of expertise and that’s the way to do it.
If you’re coming up here and want to set up your own team, and you’re going to train someone in that particular part of your industry niche to do it your way, the only muscle harm of some of your competitors are starting your business and grow as well. That’s the way the entrepreneurs are getting ahead of the J-curve of what’s coming at them in a way of change.
That’s a really good story and one seem successful and I’m seeing, I’m not even counting, it being done in law right now, it being done in RTO and training, and seeing it done in so many niche areas. So many in little degrees of engineering and all sorts of things where I’m seeing this training specifically for the industry and of course the industry will readily by because it’s very much trying to do the right thing.
This is a company that’s been around for a long time – second generation company. This used to be based in Brisbane which they do right-hand to left hand car conversion – basically, some very large trucks and specialized American cars like Camaros and stuff like that. There is a market in Australia for these products. There are not brought out with a steering wheel on the outside, they have to be changed over manually. There’s a market out there that will buy them. The models they usually have has selling agents across Australia. They usually have car yards, large car dealerships. If you go to the poor dealership and ask for a big Air450 or so, he’ll say, “I don’t have one, but if you do want one, we can order it through a third party that does the conversion. And then we’ll deliver it to you.” You then place the order, they get the car out from the USA and move everything across. Quite a bit of work is involved in like the steering wheel, gear sticks to be changed, doors, the middle, and the dashboard is going to be changed. Apart from that, what’s done underneath the hood are the power and steering box and a whole lot of other things concerned. They always had 10 mechanics which causes them shortage and problems, they were charging $45 000 per conversion with no profit. They pack everything up and move up here to a special economic zone. Here, mechanics are about $53 a week and has a massive oversupply of them. Today, they have 100 mechanics and charge $17 000 per conversion. Having dropped their price from $45 000 to $17 000 means they are able to capture the most of their market still have a good profit with it. And the big bonuses after they operated here in the Philippines is they discovered that the ceilings are far cheaper compared to Australia. They also discovered that Thailand, Singapore, and Hong Kong also drive on the wrong side of the road, like we do – so they started selling into those. Just recently they cracked UK and they’re selling there. If you’re in UK and want a forward Camaro, you go to the England and he refers it to the company in Australia which operates here in the Philippines. The conversions are done there and the product is delivered back to England. The world is becoming small and is becoming easy to deal with. That is a good story which wouldn’t be one if the company continued operating where it was – it was running at a loss, going backwards, and wouldn’t cease to exist. But look at it now, driving and growing because it has managed to shift back its cost base and productivity levels to another country – Philippines.
This is typically what you see in a lot of businesses like carpet cleaners and all sort of those businesses. You can see specialized people being hire in team situations – web and database developers, marketing coordinators, telemarketing appointment setting, data miners, bookkeeper, accounts receivable, salespeople, assistant, your personal assistant, and team leader and social media whiz. A typical team. A team of whatever you want specializing in whatever – drafting an engineer, law, accounting, doesn’t matter what it is. Sales, tele-sales – doesn’t matter. All these teams here are rapidly growing. They currently sit at 1.2 million Filipinos in this industry. The growth-rate over-all is 20% and a part of that 20% is the Australian businesses in about 30%-40% a year.
I have lived in Manila for 3 years and has been operating here for 6 years and have Filipinos working for me for 14 years. I have been doing it for a while and I really know how to do it.
This webinar is a part 1 of the 3-part series. In the next webinar, we’ll be discussing culture differences and management techniques that help maximize productivity of your Filipino team. And final webinar will about the 7 different ways you can engage services of people. Between the 3 webinars, you should get an overview of how you can do it and go about this great thing.
A thousand can maximize this opportunity but don’t know how and my intention is to address that.
I also conduct a three-day intensive business learning tools. First of all, I take you in an amazing offshoring and entrepreneurial journey. You’ll going to see the different ways you can engage people and services with all the do’s and don’ts. and there’s a lot of wonderful do’s that you aren’t aware of. Trust me. You will also see simple cost-effective ways to do develop your business or new businesses. I really push you to the limit with your business model, I will challenge you and I will really get your business model into a high-growth model. I am a serial entrepreneur, and a bootstrapper which means I’m opposed to borrowing money. I believe in funding from within. We will find a way that you can bootstrap your business model. The ultimate goal for all business owners is simple: Earn an awful lot of money every week and not have to work. And the same goes for me – that is my ultimate goal. And it is also the same goal I instill to everybody. That’s what you need to do.
You need to get others to do everything for you but also had to make money out of that in a way of profit. I will focus on that and challenge your business model around that as well. You will be learning from real entrepreneurs who are doing it. We will challenge to help you develop your model as said. Learn before you do and learn from my mistakes and my successes. I’m very open and sharing about all the things I did wrong. We introduce you to a whole lot of other people and tell you all the things they did wring. And also tell you the things they did right. You can only learn from those who are doing it which is why the tour has been so successful.
To date, about 340 people has come on tour, I run them last year and been trying to run them about 2-3 weeks. This year was supposed to be 3-4 weeks but recently, I have three in a row just to clear a backlog again. There is just such a demand for it. But when we release dates, I do suggest you grab it.
Tour norms, most of you will convert some of your existing back office works up here. There are jobs coming out but there’s not too many of them coming out. Why? You will quickly learn to add new processes like marketing. And employment and various things you would never do at home. This is also to increase the value of your business and your profit as well. All new jobs will also be created because there are new opportunities here. Several of you will also engage in specialize services like the accounting service that we talked about earlier on. And few of you will indeed start new businesses. My tours are for everybody – from start-ups to practicing small, micro, or medium businesses. Publicly listed companies are quite common in my tour as well. And it’s quite common they go back to get their senior managers to be involved as well.
The focus in the industry is now on high quality workers – away from the robotic processes of the past. We now want people that can think and indeed, we are learning ways to develop that. Those are some of the things we teach on tour.
If you want to, I have book on the subject called “$100 a week worker”.\
If you email me – – I will send you a copy of my book. It’s on a PDF format. An easy read – you can read it for about half an hour to an hour. And this book gives you an idea on this webinar as well. Of course, naturally, nothing beats up on coming on my tour.
On that basis, I thank everybody. Hope you come and listen to my next webinar where we discuss how you manage Filipinos and the key to their productivity, how to set it up, and what’s available in the Philippines.
Until the next webinar.
Thank you very much!